Disturbingly Familiar, Ms. Wolfe

This tome was an interesting one and I believe Heather and I will differ on this one.  We do talk about the books outside of this blog believe it or not.  And we don’t text, although we love the written word, we do old school phone conversations. And yes, I use hands free and talk during the trek home from work.  Using my time as wisely as I can!!

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Wolfe is a story about relationships.  Divided into three sections, in a time continuum.  The first section is written from various points of view through a window.  We are introduced to all the chato-the-lighthouse-coverracters as they look through the window.  I enjoyed this section mainly because it is from the view origin of the mother while reading a book to her youngest son.  The story develops each of the characters in an unique way whether a thoughtful stare, a glance or a pointed look through the window.

Section 2 is a time warp through to the future.  An interesting way to pass time in a literary piece.  The section is fragments of time as if describing a photo album through the years but better.  I did not like this section because the big events in the family, good or bad, were inserted via italicized sentences.  Oh by the way the women you became attached to in the first section oh she died.  Moving on..

Section 3 is finally getting to go to the lighthouse.  This section is when the father finally takes the kids, as young adults, begrudgingly to the lighthouse.

This book resonated with me because of the relationships through the book, in particular those between women and men.  Wolfe delves into each type of relationship, mother/son, husband/wife, lovers, and acquaintances.  I enjoyed reading about them all.  Some of them were disturbingly familiar to friends and family relationships I observed over the years.  I would expand on this notion but in the off chance any one is reading this blog, I may offend.

The tortured relationship between the husband and wife based on love was a wonderful tale of many couples.  Not perfect.  They knew each other extremely well and loved each other for all the imperfections and faults.  The children’s misunderstanding of their parents marriage develops through the story.  Each interpreting glances, phrases and body language differently.  Some of these kids will need therapy, I am sure!!  Their father is a tough character to explain.  He is not the kindest nor the most loving father, this is for sure.  He is a lost soul, in my opinion, in a life that he does not feel is as he planned.  Father is a melancholy, dreamer seeking to hold on to his diminishing prestige.  Mother is, as all mothers through time, trying to hold life for her family together.  Then she dies.  (See, isn’t that awful to just throw it out there? Shiver.)

 Make this one a bedtime book. It’s a great read, but I can close it, turn off the light, and zzzz….

Make this one a bedtime book. It’s a great read, but I can close it, turn off the light, and zzzz….

I liked this tome and give it an EMM… I almost gave it an EMME but the Time Warp section did me in.  I am behind Heather but trying to catch up!  Half way through An American Tragedy.  (I know it won’t be a happy ending just by the title)

Grab a book, any book and READ!!

3 responses to “Disturbingly Familiar, Ms. Wolfe

  1. Well I just need to get ahead of you again!! 🙂 Not sure I will catch up anytime soon.

  2. Wow! I wish I had read this before reading the book – I may have enjoyed it more, especially looking at section two like a photo album. Nice!

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